Pathfinder Unit, September 2010 - Current
Girl Guide Leader
Duties: Responsible for the planning and facilitation of weekly Pathfinder meetings as per a curriculum (the Pathfinder program), purchase supplies within a budget, supervise other camps and sleepovers as needed, support neighbouring Guide and Spark/Brownie units as needed.
Travelled with national unit to IGGNITE, an international guiding event, July 2017
Girl Guide Leader
Duties: Responsible for individualized schedules, travel documents and health records for 20 individuals, and was responsible for the health, safety, eating habits, and well-being of 16 youth while in transit and camping. Girls and leaders of this patrol were selected through a national application process, meaning that all girls and leaders met each other for the first time at the start of the trip. Due to these circumstances, the trip was a constant exercise in leadership, creativity, teamwork, and adjusting to quickly changing situations.
Travelled with a unit to Guiding Mosaic, July 2016
Girl Guide Leader
Duties: Organized fundraising and registration for 16 girls and 3 leaders, was the first point of communication among national and provincial camp leads, purchased, labelled, organized and packed camp gear, was responsible for individualized schedules, travel documents and health records for 19 individuals, was responsible for the health, safety, eating habits, and well-being of 16 youth while in transit and camping.
Art by the Bedside at the St. Boniface Hospital, September 2015 - February 2016
Program Facilitator
Sangam World Centre in Pune, India, August - November 2014
Program Assistant
Winnipeg Folk Fest, 2010-2013
Survey Crew Member
Winnipeg Youth Advisory Council, 2008-2010